The Osoyoos launcher is an application that can be used to easily interact with various HEK toolsets from a simple GUI, as an alternative to command-line use of Tool. Profiles can be created to run released or community modified toolsets.

Supported editing kits

Support for any future editing kits is planned.

Feature overview

The launcher features a variety of menus to help you quickly and efficiently generate your Halo assets. Lets go over some of them now.

Run programs group

Programs for the program god.

This group lets you run various programs and commands directly from the UI. You can find this at the top of the UI window.

See the following link for more details

Tasks group

Programs for the program god.

This group lets you run various commands for your selected profile directly from the UI. You can find this at the middle of the UI window.

See the following link for more details

Settings group

Press all the buttons

This group lets you configure aspects of the launcher such as the current profile being used or themes. You can find it at the bottom of the launcher window.

See the following link for more details