The set of HaloScript functions covers most reasonable needs for singleplayer scripting. However, modders being modders means this sometimes isn't enough and creative solutions are needed.
Using globals for parameters
Only H1A supports parameters on static scripts. Use globals to pass data to static scripts in other versions of the engine. For example, this script with a parameter:
(script static void (kill_player (short player_index))
(unit_kill (unit (list_get (players) player_index)))
; (kill_player 5)
Can be equivalently written with a global as:
(global short kill_player_param1 0)
(script static void kill_player
(unit_kill (unit (list_get (players) kill_player_param1)))
; (set kill_player_param1 5) (kill_player)
This page features some example static scripts which use parameters, so be aware that you can use them outside H1A too if you use globals.
Using globals for local variables
H1 HaloScript doesn't have local variables, so it's sometimes useful to create globals for scripts to set/get during their execution. This can avoid having to recalculate the same expressions repeatedly, or lets you force a cast to a different data type. Various examples on this page use globals this way.
HaloScript does not natively support loops, but you can use continuous
scripts and an incrementing global to emulate one with the caveat that iterations are spread across game ticks. Since continuous scripts are executed once per tick and the game's tick rate is 30 Hz, this means a continuous script which needs to iterate over 60 items will take 2s to complete.
(global short player_index 0)
(script continuous loop_over_players
; do what you need with player_index:
(if (volume_test_object kill_volume (list_get (players) player_index))
(unit_kill (unit (list_get (players) player_index)))
; increment/reset the index for the next tick
(set player_index (+ 1 player_index))
(if (>= player_index (list_count (players)))
(set player_index 0)
Parameterized static scripts can call themselves, but also easily result in stack overflows. Prefer iterative solutions over recursive ones.
(script static long (fib (long n))
((< n 1) 0)
((= n 1) 1)
(true (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))
fib 1 ; 1
fib 2 ; 1
fib 3 ; 2
fib 4 ; 3
fib 5 ; 5
fib 6 ; crash/fatal due to stack overflow
You can create a modulo/modulus operator with a static script and a global. The global is necessary because it forces a cast from real
to short
(global short mod_buffer 0)
(script static short (mod (short x) (short y))
(set mod_buffer (/ x y))
(- x (* mod_buffer y))
(mod 10 3) ; returns 1
Square root
If you need a square root, it requires an approximation since there is no built-in way to calculate it. For positive values of x
, we can use Heron's Method to iteratively refine an estimate until a desired accuracy is reached:
(global real sqrt_tmp 0)
(script static real (sqrt (real x))
(set sqrt_tmp (/ (+ sqrt_tmp (/ x (/ x 2))) 2))
(set sqrt_tmp (/ (+ sqrt_tmp (/ x sqrt_tmp)) 2))
(set sqrt_tmp (/ (+ sqrt_tmp (/ x sqrt_tmp)) 2))
(set sqrt_tmp (/ (+ sqrt_tmp (/ x sqrt_tmp)) 2))
(set sqrt_tmp (/ (+ sqrt_tmp (/ x sqrt_tmp)) 2))
(set sqrt_tmp (/ (+ sqrt_tmp (/ x sqrt_tmp)) 2))
sqrt 100 ; 10.000000
sqrt 16 ; 4.000000
sqrt 15 ; 3.872983
sqrt 2 ; 1.414214
A clamp function limits a given value to a range:
(script static real (clamp (real x) (real low) (real high))
(max low (min high x))
clamp -1.5 0 1 ; 0.000000
clamp 0.5 0 1 ; 0.500000
clamp 100 0 1 ; 1.000000
Controlling object functions
Suppose you need to control an object function with scripts. For example, an object uses functions to alter various aspects of its appearance and this needs to happen during a scripted event. Depending on the object type, you have a variety of options available to you:
- Use
to scale a device's power input. - Use
to alter the object's orientation and scale the compass input. - Use
to scale a unit's body or shields inputs.
This is not a comprehensive list, but just be aware that scriptable properties may be exposable as object function sources.
Getting object coordinates
There is no built-in way to get object world unit coordinates (x, y, z) in HaloScript. For most needs you probably just want trigger volumes to check if objects or players are in an area. However, if you really need to know coordinates then you can use objects_distance_to_flag
and 4 cutscene flags with known coordinates as "base stations" to build a sort of GPS system to do this. Place cutscene flags in your scenario with these exact coordinates and names:
x | y | z | name |
0 | 0 | 0 | gps1 |
1 | 0 | 0 | gps2 |
0 | 1 | 0 | gps3 |
0 | 0 | 1 | gps4 |
The following script then gets a object's distance to each of these flags and calculates its coordinates using 3D trilateration. The math has been derived and simplified for the above cutscene flag positions, so make sure they're correct.
; temporary variables for the calculation
(global real gps_tmp1 0)
(global real gps_tmp2 0)
(global real gps_tmp3 0)
(global real gps_tmp4 0)
; holds the output coordinates
(global real gps_x 0)
(global real gps_y 0)
(global real gps_z 0)
(script static void gps_trilateration
(set gps_tmp1 (objects_distance_to_flag (player0) gps1))
(set gps_tmp2 (objects_distance_to_flag (player0) gps2))
(set gps_tmp3 (objects_distance_to_flag (player0) gps3))
(set gps_tmp4 (objects_distance_to_flag (player0) gps4))
(set gps_tmp1 (* gps_tmp1 gps_tmp1))
(set gps_tmp2 (* gps_tmp2 gps_tmp2))
(set gps_tmp3 (* gps_tmp3 gps_tmp3))
(set gps_tmp4 (* gps_tmp4 gps_tmp4))
(set gps_tmp1 (+ gps_tmp1 (* gps_tmp2 -1) 1))
(set gps_tmp2 (- gps_tmp2 gps_tmp3))
(set gps_tmp3 (- gps_tmp3 gps_tmp4))
(set gps_x (/ gps_tmp1 2))
(set gps_y (/ (+ gps_tmp1 gps_tmp2) 2))
(set gps_z (/ (+ gps_tmp1 gps_tmp2 gps_tmp3) 2))
; print coordinates every 1s
(script continuous gps
(print "x/y/z:")
(inspect gps_x)
(inspect gps_y)
(inspect gps_z)
(sleep 30)
The function objects_distance_to_flag
technically accepts an object list, but you can pass it a single object like (player0)
and it will be cast to a list for you. Use cases for a script like this might include testing player positions against complex distance functions rather than scenario trigger volumes, determining how far a player has entered a given volume, or knowing of an object is north/south/east/west of another moving object by comparing coordinates.
Thanks to the following individuals for their research or contributions to this topic:
- Conscars (GPS implementation)