This is an article about the H2 Tool for use with MCC. For the legacy H2V Tool for Halo 2 Vista see H2V Tool.

H2-Tool (tool.exe), is a command-line utility used to compile data into tags, and tags into maps. It was released as a part of the Halo 2 Editing Kit by 343 Industries in 2021.

This new version of Tool has many differences from the 2007 Pi Studios Tool. Most notably, it includes far more verbs and new options for existing ones. A major addition is the FBX to ASS/JMS/JMA/JMI toolchain to compile models regardless of what 3D modeling software you use.

Conventions used in this article

  • <arg> - refers to a mandatory argument.
  • [arg] - refers to an optional argument (you can omit these).
  • parentheses appended to the arg name are used to encode valid argument values.
  • arg(option1, option2) - Either option1 or option2 can be passed as arg.
  • arg(optionClass) - Any value of optionClass can be used.
  • Tool or tool.exe - refers to the subject of this article, the H2 Tool, if the legacy Tool is being referred to that will be made explicit.

Command line flags

  • -data_dir and -tags_dir can be used to change the data and tag directories respectively. This might not work with all verbs as it's experimental. See using custom content paths.
  • -pause wait for user input before exiting, useful for custom launchers.

Batch bitmap compilation

TIFF (.tif/.tiff) images can be compiled into a bitmap using the bitmaps verb:

# bitmaps <source-directory> [type] [debug-plate?]
tool bitmaps "scenarios\bitmaps\solo\spacestation"
  • source-directory - A local data path to a folder containing a set of images for processing.
  • type - sets the type of bitmap the image will be converted to. This will change how the source image is expected to be setup. The list of valid options is as follows:
    • 2d
    • 3d
    • cubemaps
    • sprites
    • interface
  • debug-plate - Set this with a true or false. Dumps the processed image back to your data folder so that you may examine it in your preferred image editor. The path for these will be something like this.
    • data\bitmap-debug\

For the example above, Tool would expect to find .tif/.tiff files at data\scenarios\bitmaps\solo\spacestation\. Assuming no errors, each image file will be compiled into a bitmap tag at tags\scenarios\bitmaps\solo\spacestation\. Each image file that exists in the source directory will be compiled into its own individual tag with the name of the tag coming from the image filename.

Tool supports TIFF files with a colour depth of at least 8 bits per pixel, 32-bit color (8 bits per channel) being typical.

Build cache file

A scenario can be compiled into a map using the build-cache-file verb. Simply provide your scenario's tag path. (the last two arguments are optional):

#  build-cache-file <scenario> [platform] [flags]
tool build-cache-file "scenarios\multi\example\example" dx11_64 compress|resource_sharing
tool build-cache-file "scenarios\multi\example\example" dx11_64 compress|resource_sharing
  • scenario - A local tag path to your scenario without the file extension
  • platform - Sets the platform the cache file is intended for. The default platform used and the only valid platform for MCC is as follows:
    • win64_dx11
  • flags - A set of flags that can be used to toggle certain settings during cache complication. The options are as follows.
    • compress - If this string is present then the cache file will be compressed
    • resource_sharing - If this string is present then raw tag data, such as bitmap plate data, use shared maps for their data
    • mp_tag_sharing - If this string is present then tags will use shared maps for their data
    • multilingual_sounds - If this string is present then the cache file will support and include multiple languages for sounds
    • remastered_support - If this string is present then the cache file will support Saber3D

The resulting map file can be found in the editing kit's h2_maps_win64_dx11 directory. This verb also generates reports under reports\<mapname> including a compilation-specific debug.txt.

Build noise map

This command generates random noise like you would see in an image editor. The result can then be converted into a bitmap tag or taken to your image editing software to tweak further.

#  build-noise-map <tiff-file> <width> <height> <low-freq-skip> <high-freq-skip> <roughness> <blur-passes> <random-seed>
tool build-noise-map bitmap_test\256x256_20001_noise.tif 256 256 2 0 0 0 1
  • tiff-file - A local data path to where the generated tiff will be placed. Make sure to include filename and extension.
  • width - The width of the image with a max range of 16-4096. Value should be a power of 2 dimension
  • height - The height of the image with a max range of 16-4096. Value should be a power of 2 dimension
  • low-freq-skip - Low-frequency "octaves" to skip. A higher value means more noise
  • high-freq-skip - High-frequency "octaves" to skip. A higher value more blur
  • roughness - How smooth or rough the image is with a range of 0.0-1.0. With 0.0 being the smoothest image possible and 1.0 being the roughest image possible.
  • blur-passes - The number of times to apply a blur pass.
  • random-seed - A random seed for noise.

The resulting can be found in the data folder with the path you set in tiff-file.

Bulk imports

Bulk import commands allow you to import many files at once using a JMI file. Other than that they work similarly to individual imports.

Bulk collision

Multiple directories can have their collision files compiled in a single run using this command.

#  bulk-collision <jmi-file>
tool bulk-collision "objects\multi\jmi_Test.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to where the JMI file is located.

Bulk import crates

Compile multiple source directories in a single run to generate a crate tag and all the relevant tags involved.

#  bulk-import-crates <jmi-file>
tool bulk-import-crates "objects\multi\jmi_Test.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to where the JMI file is located.

Bulk import crates folder

Generates a crate tag and compiles the render, collision, and physics directory of a model in a single run. Just point it at the root of your model folder and go!

#  bulk-import-crates-folder <source-directory>
tool bulk-import-crates-folder "objects\multi\world_node_a"
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.

Bulk import model folder

Generates a model tag and compiles the render, collision, and physics directory of a model in a single run. Just point it at the root of your model folder and go!

#  bulk-import-model-folder <source-directory>
tool bulk-import-model-folder "objects\multi\world_node_a"
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.

Bulk import models

Compile multiple source directories in a single run to generate a model tag and all the relevant tags involved.

#  bulk-import-models <jmi-file>
tool bulk-import-models "objects\multi\jmi_Test.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to where the JMI file is located.

Bulk import scenery

Compile multiple source directories in a single run to generate a scenery tag and all the relevant tags involved.

#  bulk-import-scenery <jmi-file>
tool bulk-import-scenery "objects\multi\jmi_Test.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to where the JMI file is located.

Bulk import scenery folder

Generates a scenery tag and compiles the render, collision, and physics directory of a model in a single run. Just point it at the root of your model folder and go!

#  bulk-import-scenery-folder <source-directory>
tool bulk-import-scenery-folder "objects\multi\world_node_a"
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.

Bulk physics

Multiple directories can have their physics files compiled in a single run using this command.

#  bulk-physics <jmi-file>
tool bulk-physics "objects\multi\jmi_Test.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to where the JMI file is located.

Bulk render

Multiple directories can have their render files compiled in a single run using this command.

#  bulk-render <jmi-file>
tool bulk-render "objects\multi\jmi_Test.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to where the JMI file is located.

Camera track

This commands takes a JMA file directly and converts it to a camera_track for the game. The length of the animation should be at most 16 as that is the max number of control points a camera track tag can contain. The JMA should contain a skeleton made up of a single bone that will change its position each frame. The orientation of the bone will determine the position and rotation of the control point for that index. The name of the JMA file will be the name of the tag.

# camera-track <source-file>
tool camera-track cameras\ohno.JMA
  • source-file - A local data path to where the JMA file is located.


A JMS file containing a collision model can be compiled into a collision model tag

# collision <source-directory>
tool collision "objects\characters\masterchief"
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding JMS file at data\objects\characters\masterchief\collision\mc_collision.JMS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief.collision_model. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Count all class sounds

Goes through all of the sound tags in a directory and prints how many sounds belong to a specific class

# count-all-class-sounds <root-path>
tool count-all-class-sounds "sound\ambience"
  • root-path - A local tag path to the root of a directory containing sound tags or child folders with sound tags.

Count class sounds

Goes through all of the sound tags in the tags directory and prints the paths for sounds that use a specific sound class

# count-class-sounds <sound-class>
tool count-class-sounds projectile_impact
  • sound-class - The sound class you want to specify. The list is as follows.
    • Placeholder

Count class sounds

Prints all existing sound tags in a directory.

# count-sound-tags <root-path>
tool count-sound-tags "sound\ambience"
  • root-path - A local tag path to the root of a directory containing sound tags or child folders with sound tags.

Dialogue globals import

Compiles a CSV file to generate a new ai_dialogue_globals tag. The file path for the CSV file is data\ai\ai_dialogue_globals.csv and tags\ai\ai_dialogue_globals.ai_dialogue_globals is generated.

# dialogue-globals-import
tool dialogue-globals-import

Dialogue import

Collects all sound tag paths and adds them to a generated dialogue tag.

# dialogue-import <root-directory>
tool dialogue-import "sound\dialog\combat\brute_bloodthirsty"
  • root-directory - A local tag path to a root directory containing sound tags. A dialogue tag is generated adjacent to this root directory with the same name, e.g. sound\dialog\combat\brute_bloodthirsty.dialogue.

Dump uncompressed sounds

Prints the paths of sound tags that use none (little endian) as their compression format.

# dump-uncompressed-sounds <root-path>
tool dump-uncompressed-sounds "sound_remastered"
  • root-path - A local tag path to the root of a directory containing sound tags.

Export tag to XML

Dumps the tag values set in the tag to an XML format to easily compare in text editors.

# export-tag-to-xml <tag-file> <output-file>
tool export-tag-to-xml "(ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO-H2-EK)\tags\objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief.render_model" "(ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO-H2-EK)\tags\objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief.xml"
  • tag-file - An absolute tag path with extension.
  • output-file - A absolute path with file name and XML extension to set where to write the XML to.

Export tags to XML

Exports multiple tags to multiple XML files in a single run to easily compare in text editors. Files will get dumped to the root of your H2-EK root unless you give an absolute path

# export-tags-to-xml <export-tag-to-xml-params-listing>
tool export-tags-to-xml "F:\tag_list.txt"
  • export-tag-to-xml-params-listing - An absolute file path to a text file containing a list of tags to export. Sample file below.





Export windows font

Given a system font, this verb generates .tif files for each of its glyphs within a subdirectory of data.

# export-windows-font <output-directory> <font-file-(optional)> <typeface-name> <point-size>
tool export-windows-font
tool export-windows-font example dummy "Arial Bold" 12
  • output-directory - The name of the directory within data where tif files will be generated to. Tool expects that this directory and a subdirectory. called exported alread exist. For an argument of example, Tool would expect to find the directory data\example\exported.
  • font-file-(optional) - While this argument is marked optional, it appears to be required to make the command work but is possibly unused. Use any string.
  • typeface-name - The name of the system font to be exported, e.g. "Arial Bold".
  • point-size - The font size to generate glyphs at.

Extract collision data

Extracts import info from a collision_model tag to retrieve the original JMS used to create the tag. Don't expect this command to do anything if there is no import info.

# extract-collision-data <collision_model>
tool extract-collision-data "objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief"
  • collision_model - A local tag path to a collision tag without file extension.

Extract HS scripts

Finds all scenario_hs_source_file tags in a directory and dumps the contents to an .hsc file in data.

# extract-hs-scripts <name_substring>
tool extract-hs-scripts "scenarios\solo\01b_spacestation\scripts"
  • name_substring - A local tag path to a directory containing scenario_hs_source_file tag files.

Extract LPC data

Dumps a file called test.aif in the root of H2-EK. This is likely to be linear predictive coding data for the sound file but this hasn't be verified.

# extract-lpc-data <sound-file>
tool extract-lpc-data "sound_test\aiff\soundtest.aiff"
  • sound-file - A local data path to an AIF/AIFF file.

Extract physics data

Extracts import info from a physics_model tag to retrieve the original JMS used to create the tag. Don't expect this command to do anything if there is no import info.

# extract-physics-data <physics_model>
tool extract-physics-data "objects\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion"
  • physics_model - A local tag path to a physics_model tag without extension.

Extract render data

Extracts import info from a render_model tag to retrieve the original JMS used to create the tag. Don't expect this command to do anything if there is no import info.

# extract-render-data <render_model>
tool extract-render-data "objects\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion"
  • render_model - A local tag path to a render_model tag without extension.

Extract structure data

Extracts import info from a scenario_structure_bsp tag to retrieve the original ASS or JMS used to create the tag. Don't expect this command to do anything if there is no import info stored in the BSP tag.

# extract-structure-data <scenario_structure_bsp>
tool extract-structure-data "scenarios\solo\01b_spacestation\01_bsp_2"
  • scenario_structure_bsp - A local tag path to a scenario_structure_bsp tag without extension.

Extract unicode strings

Extract strings from multilingual_unicode_string_list and dumps the results back to a text file in data. Results may not match original source exactly so give the files a read to make sure tool won't have any issues.

# extract-unicode-strings <multilingual_unicode_string_list>
tool extract-unicode-strings "ui\hud\hud_messages"
  • multilingual_unicode_string_list - A local tag path to a multilingual_unicode_string_list tag without extension.


This command takes an FBX and converts it to an ASS file for Halo 2 level importing. Use this if you don't have access to an export script.

# fbx-to-ass <fbx> <ass>
tool fbx-to-ass "F:\dreamer.fbx" "F:\dreamer.ASS"
  • fbx - An absolute filepath to a valid FBX file.
  • ass - An absolute filepath that includes name and extension to write the output to.

For some details on how to setup the FBX file see FBX for H2.


This command takes an FBX and converts it to an animation source file for Halo 2 importing. Use this if you don't have access to an export script. Be aware that the extension can be any of the available extensions for animation importing. It does not specifically needs to be JMA. You can type JMO as the extension and the output is still valid.

# fbx-to-jma <fbx> <jma> [Start-frame] [Last-frame]
tool fbx-to-jma "E:\my_fbx_files\cyborg_dab.fbx" F:\cyborg_my_custom_anim.JMA
tool fbx-to-jma "E:\my_fbx_files\cyborg_dab.fbx" F:\cyborg_my_custom_anim.JMA 5 10
  • fbx - An absolute filepath to a valid FBX file.
  • jma - An absolute filepath that includes name and extension to write the output to.
  • Start-frame - Sets the first frame index that the converter will start from. Use this if you want only a specific section of an animation from your FBX. This arg is optional so you can leave this and Last-frame out if you want the animation as is.
  • Last-frame - Sets the last frame index that the converter will end on. Use this if you want only a specific section of an animation from your FBX. This arg is optional so you can leave this and Last-frame out if you want the animation as is.

For some details on how to setup the FBX file see FBX for H2.


This command takes an FBX and converts it to a JMI source file for Halo 2 importing. Use this if you don't have access to an export script.

# fbx-to-jmi <fbx> <jmi>
tool fbx-to-jmi "E:\my_fbx_files\scenery_set.fbx" F:\scenery_set.JMI
  • fbx - An absolute filepath to a valid FBX file.
  • jmi - An absolute filepath that includes name and extension to write the output to.

For some details on how to setup the FBX file see FBX for H2.


# fbx-to-jms <render,collision,physics-or-all> <fbx> <jms>
tool fbx-to-jms render "F:\dreamer.fbx" "F:\dreamer.JMS"
  • render,collision,physics-or-all - Sets the type of geo this FBX is for. Use either render, collision, physics, or all only. The geo class set will determine what geometry gets exported from the JMS
  • fbx - An absolute filepath to a valid FBX file.
  • jms - An absolute filepath that includes name and extension to write the output to.

For some details on how to setup the FBX file see FBX for H2.

Fix model materials

Sets global material names for model tags in a directory if the name is invalid.

# fix-model-materials <root-directory> <material-name>
tool fix-model-materials "incompetent" hey
  • root-directory - A local tag path to a directory containing model tags.
  • material-name - What to set the global material name to.

Fix tags

Various command to fix up tags. Almost all of them are meant for porting Xbox to PC.

# fix-tags <action>
tool fix-tags count-scripts
  • action - What action to take. Type something invalid like "help" to see a full list of options.

Most commands will not do anything but a few might be useful if you have a very specific issue.

FP model animations

Import animation source files as a first person animation. Use this if you're making FP weapon animations.

# fp-model-animations <source-directory> <character-directory> <weapon-directory> [flags]
tool fp-model-animations "objects\characters\masterchief\fp\weapons\rifle\fp_smg" "objects\characters\masterchief\fp" "objects\weapons\rifle\smg\fp_smg"
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.
  • character-directory - A local data path to the root of the first person character model source directory the weapon is using.
  • weapon-directory - A local data path to the root of the first person weapon model source directory the character is using.
  • flags - ??? This is an optional arg.

The source files can have different extensions. That depends on the type of animation they are intended to be. See the page about animation data for information about the various extensions and the different types of animation.

Add rename.txt to reuse animations as other animations, without copying and renaming files.

Import damage table

Imports data\globals\armor_vs_damage.csv to update the damage table block in globals. The CSV (which can be exported from any spreadsheet software like Excel) uses Damage Groups as the columns, and Armor Modifiers as the rows, with each cell being the applicable Damage Multiplier.

# import-damage-table
tool import-damage-table

Import decorator set

Imports a JMI set to generate a decorator_set tag.

# import-decorator-set <jmi-file>
tool import-decorator-set "objects\characters\brute\garbage\brute_helmet.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to a JMI file.

Import particle set

Imports a JMI set to generate a particle tag.

# import-particle-model <jmi-file>
tool import-particle-model "objects\characters\brute\garbage\brute_helmet.JMI"
  • jmi-file - A local data path to a JMI file.

Baking lightmaps

H2 lightmaps are generally nicer than H1 lightmaps but can take longer to render if you are only using a single process. To mitigate this issue and allow more rapid iteration Halo 2 featured a primitive version of the lightmap farm that later games utilised. This allowed the most time consuming part of lightmapping to be farmed out to multiple servers. In Halo 2 only one step is shared so running n instances doesn't quite divide the time taken by n.

Single instance Lightmaps

Run a lightmap instance. No fuss no muss.

# lightmaps <scenario> <bsp-name> <quality-setting>
tool lightmaps "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation" "coagulation" direct_only
  • scenario - A local tag path to a scenario tag without extension.
  • bsp-name - The name of a scenario_structure_bsp tag without extension and belongs to the referenced scenario.
  • quality-setting - Standard Halo 2 light quality string. The list of options is as follows.
    • checkerboard
    • cuban
    • draft_low
    • draft_medium
    • draft_high
    • draft_super
    • direct_only
    • low
    • medium
    • high
    • super

Lightmaps debug

A command to debug lightmaps. Debug them how you ask? That's an excellent question! Lets move on to the next command.

# lightmaps-debug <scenario> <bsp-name> <quality-setting> <begin-light-index> <end-light-index>
tool lightmaps-debug "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation" "coagulation" direct_only 0 1
  • scenario - A local tag path to a scenario tag without extension.
  • bsp-name - The name of a scenario_structure_bsp tag without extension and belongs to the referenced scenario.
  • quality-setting - Standard Halo 2 light quality string. The list of options is as follows.
    • checkerboard
    • cuban
    • draft_low
    • draft_medium
    • draft_high
    • draft_super
    • direct_only
    • low
    • medium
    • high
    • super
  • begin-light-index - ???
  • end-light-index - ???

Multi-instance lightmaps

Multi instance lightmaps were intended to run on the lightmap farm, some changes were made during the development of the H2-EK to fix issues related to that but this didn't fix all of them. Overall they are a good alternative to single instance lightmaps as long as you are careful. If you are using a launcher such as Osoyoos this should be handled for you automatically.

Lightmap worker

Launch worker with the index 0 last (and preferably ~30-60 seconds after the other ones) or the other workers will overwrite certain data needed for functional lightmaps. If this data gets overwritten scenery objects will not get lit correctly and will be pitch black.

Run a lightmap-worker instance to cut down on time spent lighting. Make sure to run lightmaps-farm-merge afterwards to complete the process.

# lightmaps-farm-worker <scenario> <bsp-name> <quality-setting> <worker-index> <worker-count>
tool lightmaps-farm-worker "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation" "coagulation" direct_only 0 3
  • scenario - A local tag path to a scenario tag without extension.
  • bsp-name - The name of a scenario_structure_bsp tag without extension and belongs to the referenced scenario.
  • quality-setting - Standard Halo 2 light quality string. The list of options is as follows.
    • checkerboard
    • cuban
    • draft_low
    • draft_medium
    • draft_high
    • draft_super
    • direct_only
    • low
    • medium
    • high
    • super
  • worker-index - The instance ID starting from 0. The range for this depends on the number set for worker-count.
  • worker-count - The number of instances that will be launched.

Lightmap merge

Merge the results from lightmaps-farm-worker to form the final lightmap bitmap tag.

# lightmaps-farm-merge <scenario> <bsp-name> <worker-count>
tool lightmaps-farm-merge "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation" "coagulation" 2
  • scenario - A local tag path to a scenario tag without extension.
  • bsp-name - The name of a scenario_structure_bsp tag without extension and belongs to the referenced scenario.
  • worker-count - The number of lightmaps-farm-worker instances that were used.

Quality levels

Tool supports a few different quality levels, for testing geometry you will want to use direct_only if you want to test lighting you will want to use at least draft_low as bounced light will change how a lot of things look. The highest quality - super - only needs to be used as a final pass, it will take a long time even with a fast CPU and multiple instances. Modding tool to increase these settings is possible but super is close to the limit of how good lighting generated by tool can be and improvements from increasing these settings beyond that are minor.

The "cuban" quality setting is likely named after the nickname of one of the engineers that worked on the lightmapping process.

SettingPhoton CountSample CountGather DistanceAntialiasing SamplesBounced Lighting

Mission dialogue import

Gathers all sound tags in a directory to generate an ai_mission_dialogue tag

# mission-dialogue-import <root-directory>
tool mission-dialogue-import "sound\dialog\levels\08_controlroom"
  • root-directory - A local tag path to a directory containing a cinematic and mission folder that contain sound files.

Model animation count

Goes to all the animations in a directory and child directories. Once it's done it prints debug info.

# model-animation-count <source-directory>
tool model-animation-count "objects\characters\masterchief"
  • source-directory - A local tag path to a directory containing model_animation_graph tags or child folders with model_animation_graph tags.

Model animation status

Goes to all the animations in a directory and child directories. Once it's done it prints debug info.

# model-animation-status <source-directory>
tool model-animation-status "objects\characters\masterchief"
  • source-directory - A local tag path to a directory containing model_animation_graph tags or child folders with model_animation_graph tags.

Model animations

A set of animation source files can be compiled into a model_animation_graph tag.

# model-animations <source-directory> [flags]
tool model-animations "objects\characters\masterchief"
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.
  • flags - ???

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a set of corresponding animation source files at data\objects\characters\masterchief\animations. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief.model_animation_graph.

The source files can have different extensions. That depends on the type of animation they are intended to be. See the page about animation data for information about the various extensions and the different types of animation.

Add rename.txt to reuse animations as other animations, without copying and renaming files.

Monitor changes

These command monitor the data folder for changes and automatically reimport any data changed.

Monitor bitmaps

Keeps watch of the data directory for any file changes. If any tiff places are modified or placed in the data directory then tool will immediately attempt to import the image file as bitmap tags.

# monitor-bitmaps
tool monitor-bitmaps

Monitor data and tags bitmaps

Keeps watch of the data and tags directory for any file changes. If any tiff or tags are modified or placed in the data or tags directory then tool will immediately attempt to import the image file as bitmap tags.

# monitor-data-and-tags-bitmaps
tool monitor-data-and-tags-bitmaps

Monitor models

Keeps watch of the data directory for any file changes. If any model related intermediate files are modified or moved to the data directory then tool will immediately attempt to import the source files as render_model, collision_model, or physics_model tags.

# monitor-models
tool monitor-models

Monitor structures

Keeps watch of the data directory for any file changes. If any level related intermediate files are modified or moved to the data directory then tool will immediately attempt to import the source files as levels.

# monitor-structures
tool monitor-structures

New strings

Converts all text files in a directory to multilingual_unicode_string_list tags. Text files should be saved as UTF-16

# new-strings <source-directory>
tool new-strings "ui\hud"
  • source-directory - A local data path to a directory containing text files.

Pack unicode strings

This command generates the STR files found in the font folder. These files contain the string data the game reads to display text ingame.

# pack-unicode-strings <language> <tag-list-file>
tool pack-unicode-strings en "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Halo MCCEK\Halo Assets\2\Vanilla\data\strings_list.txt"
  • language - The language you are compiling a STR file for. The following the the list of languages currently used by MCC.
    • chs
    • cht
    • de
    • en
    • es
    • fr
    • it
    • jpn
    • kor
    • pt_br
    • sp
  • tag-list-file - An absolute file path to a text file containing a list of multilingual_unicode_string_list tags to include in the packaged STR file.






A JMS file containing physic meshes can be compiled into a physics_model tag

# physics <source-directory>
tool physics "objects\characters\masterchief"
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding JMS file at data\objects\characters\masterchief\physics\masterchief_ragdoll.JMS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief.physics_model. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.


Gather images in a directory and set up a plate with all the images placed properly. Useful for creating animated textures from multiple images easily.

# plate <source-directory> [raw?]
tool plate "F:\bitmap_test" true
  • source-directory - An absolute file path to a directory containing image files.
  • raw - An optional arg to enable RAW file importing when building a plate. The files must be named in the following format.
    • filename_WxH.RAW
    • Replace W and H with the width and height of the image respectively.

PRT simulation

A utility required to run the PRT simulation was not shipped with the initial release of the tools. The commands are currently non-functional.

Run a PRT (precomputed radiance transfer) simulation on an already existing render_model tag.

# prt-simulation <render-model>
tool prt-simulation "scenarios\objects\covenant\military\scarab\scarab"
  • render-model - A local tag path to a render_model tag without extension.

Rebuild scenario scripts

Recompiles HSC script files from data using the scenario_hs_source_file tags referenced in the scenario tag.

# rebuild-scenario-scripts <scenario>
tool rebuild-scenario-scripts "scenarios\solo\01b_spacestation\01b_spacestation"
  • scenario - A local tag path to a scenario tag without extension.


A utility required to run the PRT simulation was not shipped with the initial release of the tools. The commands are currently non-functional. Attempting to import a render model that uses it will not work for now.

A JMS file containing render geometry can be compiled into a render_model tag

#  render <source-directory> [accurate?] [run-prt?]
tool render "objects\characters\masterchief" false false
  • source-directory - A local data path to the root of a model source directory.
  • accurate - ???
  • run-prt - Run a PRT simulation on the import data. Skinned meshes are not supported.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding JMS file at data\objects\characters\masterchief\render\L5_masterchief.JMS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief.render_model. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Script doc

Prints the script_doc or any command that contains the given string.

#  script-doc [function-or-global-name]
tool script-doc "debug_objects"
  • function-or-global-name - A string that will be used to find any script commands that contain the same text.


Reimport sounds

Goes through all sound tags in a directory or child directories. Any sound tags that are found will have their sound files from data reimported.

# reimport-sounds <source-directory>
tool reimport-sounds "sound\dialog\combat"
  • source-directory - A local tag path to a directory or child directory containing sound tags.

Reimport sounds single

Reimports the specified sound if sound data was found in the data folder.

# reimport-sounds-single <source-file>
tool reimport-sounds-single "sound\dialog\combat\brute_bloodthirsty\01_alert\coming"
  • source-file - A local tag path to a sound tag without extension.

Reimport sounds to opus

Goes through all sound tags in a directory or child directories. Any sound tags that are found will have their sound files from data reimported. Sounds reimported using this command will use Opus for their compression setting.

# reimport-sounds-to-opus <source-directory>
tool reimport-sounds-to-opus "sound\dialog\combat"
  • source-directory - A local tag path to a directory or child directory containing sound tags.

Reimport sounds to opus single

Reimports the specified sound if sound data was found in the data folder. Sounds reimported using this command will use Opus for their compression setting.

# reimport-sounds-to-opus-single <source-directory>
tool reimport-sounds-to-opus-single "sound\dialog\combat\brute_bloodthirsty\01_alert\coming"
  • source-directory - A local tag path to a directory or child directory containing sound tags.

Set sound class

Grabs all the sound tags in a directory and changes the class to whatever was specified by the user.

#  set-sound-class <source-directory> <path-spec> <new-sound-class>
tool set-sound-class sound_test ??? projectile_impact
  • source-directory - A local tag path to the root of a directory containing sound tags or child folders with sound tags.
  • path-spec - ???
  • new-sound-class - A sound class string.

Sound looping


#  sound-looping <source-directory> <type> [compression]
tool sound-looping
  • source-directory - ???
  • type - ???
  • compression - ???

Sound looping scenery


#  sound-looping-scenery <source-directory> <type> [compression]
tool sound-looping-scenery
  • source-directory - ???
  • type - ???
  • compression - ???

Sound multi layer

Imports sound files in a directory with the import type set to multi-layer. All sound files the source directory and child directories will be combined into one sound file.

#  sound-multi-layer <source-directory> <type> [compression]
tool sound-multi-layer "sound_test" projectile_impact adpcm
  • source-directory - A local data path to a directory or child directories containing sound files. Supported extensions are WAV saved as 16 bit PCM and AIFF.
  • type - Set the sound class
  • compression - Set the compression. The list of valid options is as follows.
    • uncompressed
    • adpcm
    • opus

Sound single

Imports a single sound file

#  sound-single <source-file> <type> [compression]
tool sound-multi-layer "sound_test\aiff" projectile_impact adpcm
  • source-file - A local data path to the root of a directory containing sound files. Supported extensions are WAV saved as 16 bit PCM and AIFF.
  • type - Set the sound class
  • compression - Set the compression. The list of valid options is as follows.
    • uncompressed
    • adpcm
    • opus

Sounds music

Generates an empty sound looping tag from the folders in data. Probably an error?

#  sounds-music <source-directory> <type> [compression]
tool sounds-music "sound_test" projectile_impact adpcm
  • source-file - A local data path to the root of a directory or child directories containing sound files. Supported extensions are WAV saved as 16 bit PCM and AIFF.
  • type - Set the sound class
  • compression - Set the compression. The list of valid options is as follows.
    • uncompressed
    • adpcm
    • opus

Sounds one shot

Imports sound files in a directory with the import type set to single-shot. Each sound file will get its own sound tag.

#  sounds-one-shot <source-directory> <type> [compression]
tool sounds-one-shot "sound_test" projectile_impact adpcm
  • source-file - A local data path to the root of a directory or child directories containing sound files. Supported extensions are WAV saved as 16 bit PCM and AIFF.
  • type - Set the sound class
  • compression - Set the compression. The list of valid options is as follows.
    • uncompressed
    • adpcm
    • opus

Sounds single layer

Imports sound files in a directory with the import type set to single-layer. Each directory will get its own sound tag.

#  sounds-single-layer <source-directory> <type> [compression]
tool sounds-single-layer "sound_test" projectile_impact adpcm
  • source-file - A local data path to the root of a directory or child directories containing sound files. Supported extensions are WAV saved as 16 bit PCM and AIFF.
  • type - Set the sound class
  • compression - Set the compression. The list of valid options is as follows.
    • uncompressed
    • adpcm
    • opus

Sounds single mixed

Imports sound files in a directory with the import type set to single-layer. Each directory will get its own sound tag.

#  sounds-single-mixed <source-directory> <type> [compression]
tool sounds-single-mixed "sound_test" projectile_impact adpcm
  • source-file - A local data path to the root of a directory or child directories containing sound files. Supported extensions are WAV saved as 16 bit PCM and AIFF.
  • type - Set the sound class
  • compression - Set the compression. The list of valid options is as follows.
    • uncompressed
    • adpcm
    • opus


Imports sound files in a directory with the import type set to single-layer. Each directory will get its own sound tag.

#  strip-single-tag-file <tag>
tool strip-single-tag-file "objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief.render_model"
  • tag - A local tag path to a tag file with extension.


A JMS file containing level geometry can be compiled into a scenario_structure_bsp tag. Do not use this command for level imports as it's outdated (use structure-new-from-ass instead).

# structure <scenario-directory> <bsp-name> [verbose?]
tool structure "scenarios\multi\example" "example"
  • scenario-directory - A local data path to root directory of a level.
  • bsp-name - The JMS filename without extension.
  • verbose - An optional boolean arg. Prints more debug info during file importing for levels.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding JMS file at data\scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.JMS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\scenarios\multi\example\example.scenario_structure_bsp. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Structure compatible

A JMS file containing level geometry can be compiled into a scenario_structure_bsp tag. Do not use this command for level imports as it's outdated (use structure-new-from-ass instead).

# structure-compatible <scenario-directory> <bsp-name>
tool structure-compatible "scenarios\multi\example" "example"
  • scenario-directory - A local data path to root directory of a level.
  • bsp-name - The JMS filename without extension.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding JMS file at data\scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.JMS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\scenarios\multi\example\example.scenario_structure_bsp. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Structure compatible from JMS

A JMS file containing level geometry can be compiled into a scenario_structure_bsp tag. Do not use this command for level imports as it's outdated (use structure-new-from-ass instead).

# structure-compatible-from-jms <jms-file>
tool structure-compatible-from-jms "scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.JMS"
  • jms-file - A local data path to a JMS file with extension.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding JMS file at data\scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.JMS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\scenarios\multi\example\example.scenario_structure_bsp. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Structure from JMS

A JMS file containing level geometry can be compiled into a scenario_structure_bsp tag. Do not use this command for level imports as it's outdated (use structure-new-from-ass instead).

# structure-from-jms <jms-file> [verbose?]
tool structure-from-jms "scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.JMS"
  • jms-file - A local data path to a JMS file with extension.
  • verbose - An optional boolean arg. Prints more debug info during file importing for levels.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding JMS file at data\scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.JMS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\scenarios\multi\example\example.scenario_structure_bsp. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Structure new

A ASS file containing level geometry can be compiled into a scenario_structure_bsp tag. Do not use this command for level imports as it's outdated (use structure-new-from-ass instead).

# structure-new <scenario-directory> <bsp-name> [verbose?]
tool structure-new "scenarios\multi\example" "example"
  • scenario-directory - A local data path to root directory of a level.
  • bsp-name - The ASS filename without extension.
  • verbose - An optional boolean arg. Prints more debug info during file importing for levels.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding ASS file at data\scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.ASS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\scenarios\multi\example\example.scenario_structure_bsp. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Structure new from ASS

A ASS file containing level geometry can be compiled into a scenario_structure_bsp tag.

# structure-new-from-ass <ass-file> [verbose?]
tool structure-new-from-ass "scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.ASS"
  • ass-file - A local data path to a ASS file with extension.
  • verbose - An optional boolean arg. Prints more debug info during file importing for levels.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding ASS file at data\scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.ASS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\scenarios\multi\example\example.scenario_structure_bsp. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Structure compilation converts the raw polygon and materials data from the ASS into data structures which are more efficient for Halo to use during rendering, collision tests, and AI pathfinding among other tasks. Note that lightmaps are not produced during this step, but rather with the lightmaps verb.

Multiple ASS files can be placed in a level's structure directory for multiple BSPs (used for large singleplayer levels). Each ASS will be compiled into a separate structure BSP and added to the scenario. Scripts and trigger volumes can then be used to switch between the BSPs.

Structure new verbose from ASS

A ASS file containing level geometry can be compiled into a scenario_structure_bsp tag. This version of the structure command gives verbose output.

# structure-new-verbose-from-ass <ass-file>
tool structure-new-verbose-from-ass "scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.ASS"
  • ass-file - A local data path to a ASS file with extension.

For the example above, Tool would expect to find a corresponding ASS file at data\scenarios\multi\example\structure\example.ASS. Assuming no errors, it would be compiled into tags\scenarios\multi\example\example.scenario_structure_bsp. Geometry errors will cause Tool to create WRL files for troubleshooting.

Tag file report


# tag-file-report <tag-file>
tool tag-file-report "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation.scenario_structure_bsp"
  • scenario-directory - A local tag path to a tag file with extension.

Verify sound folder

Gathers all sounds in a directory or child directories and prints some debug info at the end.

# verify-sound-folder <root-path>
tool verify-sound-folder "sound\characters"
  • root-path - A local tag path to a directory or child directories containing sound tags.

Verify tag load

Checks if a tag is valid

# verify-tag-load <tag-file>
tool verify-tag-load
  • tag-file - ???


Outputs the build version for tool.exe

# version
tool version

Obsolete commands & Developer commands

A few commands in tool don't do anything of note:

  • old-physics <source-directory>
  • lightmap-farm <scenario> <bsp-name> <quality-setting> <priority> <branch>
  • lightmap-farm-update-sql <scenario-directory> <bsp-name> <sql_record_id>
  • dump-tag-table <tag-type>
  • lightmap-rendermodel - Generates section leaves in a render_model tag. Probably meant to test PRT related things.
  • Most fix-tags subcommands.

Scenario analyze

Run an action on a scenario for debug purposes.

#  scenario-analyze <scenario> <inspection-type>
tool scenario-analyze "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation" "count tags"
  • scenario - A local tag path to a scenario tag without extension.
  • inspection-type - The action to run on the referenced scenario. Make sure to surround it in quotes since someone at Bungie thought it would be funny.
    • count tags
    • dump tags
    • find material references
    • count edges
    • check effects
    • dump scenery

Structure analyze

A dev command for running misc tasks on a scenario, unlikely to be useful.

# structure-analyze <scenario_structure_bsp>
tool structure-analyze "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation"
  • scenario_structure_bsp - A local tag path to a scenario_structure_bsp tag without extension.

Commands with unknown usage

Not much is know about these commands, if you know something let us know!

Build convolution map


#  build-convolution-map <tiff-file> <passes> <blur-subpasses> <e> <scale>
tool build-convolution-map
  • tiff-file - ???
  • passes - ???
  • blur-subpasses - ???
  • e - ???
  • scale - ???

Build gradient map


#  build-gradient-map <tiff-file> <width> <height> <exponent> <options>
tool build-gradient-map
  • tiff-file - ???
  • width - ???
  • height - ???
  • exponent - ???
  • options - ???

Build plasma control map


#  build-plasma-control-map <tiff-file> <k> <e>
tool build-plasma-control-map
  • tiff-file - ???
  • k - ???
  • e - ???

Build quadratic map


#  build-quadratic-map <tiff-file>
tool build-quadratic-map
  • tiff-file - ???

Build trace map


#  build-trace-map <tiff-file> <options> <time-bias> <time-scale> <min-delta-time> <max-delta-time>
tool build-trace-map

Convert pixel shaders


# convert-pixel-shaders
tool convert-pixel-shaders

Convert tiled tiff


# convert-tiled-tiff <input-tiff-file> <output-tiff-file>
tool convert-tiled-tiff "F:\masterchief.tiff" "F:\masterchief_output.tiff"
  • input-tiff-file - An absolute path to a tiff file.

  • output-tiff-file - An absolute path to a path with filename and extension to generate the output file in.

  • tiff-file - ???

  • options - ???

  • time-bias - ???

  • time-scale - ???

  • min-delta-time - ???

  • max-delta-time - ???

Dump tiff to header


# dump-tiff-to-header <quantization-factor> <tiff-file> <constant-prefix-string> <output-file>
tool dump-tiff-to-header
  • quantization-factor - ???
  • tiff-file - ???
  • constant-prefix-string - ???
  • output-file - ???
  • scenario - A local tag path to a render_model tag without extension.



# lightprobes <scenario> <bsp-name> <quality-setting>
tool lightprobes "scenarios\multi\halo\coagulation\coagulation" "coagulation" direct_only
  • scenario - A local tag path to a scenario tag without extension.
  • bsp-name - The name of a scenario_structure_bsp tag without extension and belongs to the referenced scenario.
  • quality-setting - Standard Halo 2 light quality string. The list of options is as follows.
    • checkerboard
    • cuban
    • draft_low
    • draft_medium
    • draft_high
    • draft_super
    • direct_only
    • low
    • medium
    • high
    • super

Model animation reset compression


# model-animation-reset-compression <model-animation-graph>
tool model-animation-reset-compression "objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief"
  • model-animation-reset-compression - A local tag path to a model_animation_graph tag without file extensions.

Pixel shaders


# pixel-shaders <platform>
tool pixel-shaders
  • platform - ???

Process sounds


# process-sounds <source-directory> <path-spec> <command> <value>
tool process-sounds
  • source-directory - ???
  • path-spec - ???
  • command - ???
  • value - ???

Rebuild structure audibility


# rebuild-structure-audibility <structure>
tool rebuild-structure-audibility "scenarios\solo\01b_spacestation\01_bsp_2"

Reimport model animations


# reimport-model-animations
tool reimport-model-animations

Replace font char


#  replace-font-char <font-file> <tiff-file> <utf16-code>
tool replace-font-char
  • font-file - ???
  • tiff-file - ???
  • utf16-code - ???

Structure plane debug

??? Something about a plane_debug_geometry.txt

# structure-plane-debug <scenario-directory> <bsp-name>
tool structure-plane-debug "scenarios\multi\example" "example"
  • scenario-directory - A local data path to root directory of a level.
  • bsp-name - The ASS filename without extension.

Structure plane debug generate


# structure-plane-debug-generate <scenario-directory> <bsp-name>
tool structure-plane-debug-generate "scenarios\multi\example" "example"
  • scenario-directory - A local data path to root directory of a level.
  • bsp-name - The ASS filename without extension.

Vertex shader


# vertex-shader <platform> <src-platform> <shader>
tool vertex-shader
  • platform - ???
  • src-platform - ???
  • shader - ???

Vertex shaders


# vertex-shaders <platform> <src-platform>
tool vertex-shaders
  • platform - ???
  • src-platform - ???

Windows font


# windows-font <font-file> <-ea:n-where-n-is-a-number-(optional)>
tool windows-font
  • font-file - ???
  • ea:n - ???