An actor variant specializes an actor by defining their use of weapons, grenades, their health, their color, and what equipment they drop. While the actor tag defines common behaviour of an AI type and rank, the actor variant adds additional variety in their appearance and weapon use.

Burst geometry

A burst is a series of shots made at a target. The burst geometry controls how the shots within a burst start and move over time.

At the start of every burst, the game picks a random origin point horizontally near the target to fire at, either to the left or right. The AI will then correct their shots by returning aim back towards the target over the course of the burst.

See the burst geometry fields in the tag structure for more information.

Firing patterns

Firing patterns modify the burst geometry and ranged combat values depending on the actor's state:

  • New-target is when the actor finds a new target to shoot at.
  • Moving is when the actor is moving between scenario firing positions while shooting.
  • Berserk is when the actor is in a berserk state charging at the player.

The firing pattern multipliers (starting at new target burst duration) modify the default burst geometry and ranged combat values only when their value is non-zero.

Change colors

The change colors block of this tag can be used to change armor color, which relies on the bipeds model's shader_model shader(s) having a multipurpose map with a color change mask. Using the change colors block of this tag overrides the biped's color change permutations.

Halo randomly interpolates between the upper and lower bound colors, in either RGB space or HSV if the interpolate color in HSV flag is checked. This gives the Flood their varying skin tones, for example.

If you are looking for multiplayer armor colors, see here.

Structure and fields

can shoot while flying0x1

Also allows grounded AIs to shoot while jumping or falling.

interpolate color in hsv0x2

Determines if change colors upper and lower bounds are interpolated in HSV space as opposed to RGB.

has unlimited grenades0x4

Gives the actor an unlimited supply of grenades to throw.

moveswitch stay w friends0x8
active camouflage0x10

Gives the actor permanent active camouflage, e.g. stealth Elites.

super active camouflage0x20

When enabled, makes the active camouflage the hyper stealth variant from globals, which can have a different appearance.

cannot use ranged weapons0x40

Disables ranged combat settings (beginning at the weapon reference). Even if the AI is holding a weapon, it will not fire it.

prefer passenger seat0x80

The actor will prefer to enter a vehicle's passenger seat over a gunner seat, as determined by the unit's seat flags.

actor definitionTagDependency: actor
unitTagDependency: unit

Specifies which biped this variant will spawn as.

major variantTagDependency: actor_variant

Specifies the next highest "rank" of this actor variant. This allows enemies to "upgrade" in higher difficulties, with the chance being controlled by both the per-difficulty major upgrade globals multipliers and the major upgrade squad setting in the scenario.

metagame typeenum
  • H1A only

Used for kill scoring and achievements in MCC. Since this field was padding in pre-MCC editions, maps compiled for MCC should use MCC-native actor_variant tags or set these fields, or else enemies may be scored as Brutes or other unexpected types due to having zeroed-out or garbage data.


Also called "drone".

flood infection0x8
flood carrier0x9
flood combat0xA
flood pure0xB

Also called "huragok".


Also called "prowler".

tuning fork0x22

Also called "spirit".


Also called "watcher".


Also called "crawler".

metagame classenum
  • H1A only

Used for kill scoring and achievements in MCC.

light vehicle0x4
heavy vehicle0x5
giant vehicle0x6
standard vehicle0x7
movement typeenum
always run0x0
always crouch0x1
switch types0x2
initial crouch chancefloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
crouch timeBounds
  • Unit: seconds
run timeBounds?
  • Unit: seconds
weaponTagDependency: weapon

The weapon that the actor spawns with.

maximum firing distancefloat
  • Unit: world units

The maximum range, in world units, where the unit can fire at a target.

rate of firefloat

This lets you pick the firing rate for this actor. Which affects firing behavior in the following ways:

  • Any above 0 rate of fire is limited by the referenced weapon's minimum rounds per second as the actor will only tap the trigger not hold, not causing the firing speed to climb.

  • When set to 0, the actor will hold the trigger causing it to use the weapon's windup behavior and allows it to reach the weapon's max firing rate.

  • If 0 and the weapon is a charging weapon the actor will hold the charge until the burst ends or the weapon's overcharged action behavior kicks in.

  • If not 0 charging the weapon will fire their uncharged projectiles if they have them.

  • Setting a number higher than the weapon's minimum rate of fire can prompt the actor to fire their gun slower than the weapon's minimum because it will try to tap fire at every 1/rate_of_fire causing it to not be able to fire again immediately after the firing delay.

projectile errorfloat

Adds error on top of the weapon's own error. This makes actors fire inaccurately.

first burst delay timeBounds?
  • Unit: seconds

The delay in seconds before the actor starts its first burst on a new target.

new target firing pattern timefloat
  • Unit: seconds

How long this AI follows "New target" firing modifiers when first engaging a target.

surprise delay timefloat
  • Unit: seconds
surprise fire wildly timefloat
  • Unit: seconds
death fire wildly chancefloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

Sets the chance that the actor will fire their weapon while dying.

death fire wildly timefloat
  • Unit: seconds

Controls how long the actor will continue firing after death.

desired combat rangeBounds?
  • Unit: world units

The distance in world units the actor will try to be in to attack; lower bounds is the minimum range and upper is the maximum. The actor may still fire outside this range, but will move to attain it.

custom stand gun offsetVector3D
custom crouch gun offsetVector3D?
target trackingfloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

Determines how closely the actor will follow moving targets when firing. bursts. A value of 0 means only firing at the target's location at the start of the burst, while while 1 means following the target perfectly. with each shot. A value in-between can be provided.

target leadingfloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

Determines how accurately to predict lead on moving targets. A value of 0 means not leading at all and shooting directly at the target, while 1 means perfectly predicting how far in front of the target to lead based on projectile speed and distance. A value in-between can be provided.

weapon damage modifierfloat

Allows weapon damage to be buffed or nerfed for this actor variant. A value of 0 disables this modifier.

damage per secondfloat

Overrides weapon damage if set and weapon damage modifier is 0.

burst origin radiusfloat
  • Unit: world units

The starting point of the burst, randomly to the left or right of the target in world units.

burst origin anglefloat

Controls the maximum angle from horizontal that the orgin can be, from the point of view of the actor. For example, a value of 0 indicates the origin will alway be directly to the left or right of the target, while 90 would allow the origin to be above or below the target as well.

burst return lengthBounds?
  • Unit: world units

How far the burst point moves back towards the target. This can be negative to make the burst lead away from the target.

burst return anglefloat

Controls how close to horizontal the return motion can be.

burst durationBounds?
  • Unit: seconds

Cotrols the length of burst, during which multiple shots are fired.

burst separationBounds?
  • Unit: seconds

Controls how long to wait between bursts.

burst angular velocityfloat
  • Unit: degrees per second

Sets the maximum rotational rate that the burst can sweep. A value of 0 means unlimited. For example, if the burst origin radius is large and the burst duration is short, the return burst will cover a large area in a short amount of time unless limited by this angular velocity.

special damage modifierfloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

A damage modifier for special weapon fire (e.g. overcharged shots and secondary triggers), applied in addition to the normal damage modifier. No effect if 0.

special projectile errorfloat

An error angle, applied in addition to normal error, for special fire.

new target burst durationfloat

Multiplier for burst duration in the new target state. No effect if 0.

new target burst separationfloat

Multiplier for burst separation in the new target state. No effect if 0.

new target rate of firefloat

Multiplier for rate of fire in the new target state. No effect if 0.

new target projectile errorfloat

Multiplier for projectile error in the new target state. No effect if 0.

moving burst durationfloat

Multiplier for burst duration in the moving state. No effect if 0.

moving burst separationfloat

Multiplier for burst separation in the moving state. No effect if 0.

moving rate of firefloat

Multiplier for rate of fire in the moving state. No effect if 0.

moving projectile errorfloat

Multiplier for projectile error in the moving state. No effect if 0.

berserk burst durationfloat

Multiplier for burst duration in the berserk state. No effect if 0.

berserk burst separationfloat

Multiplier for burst separation in the berserk state. No effect if 0.

berserk rate of firefloat

Multiplier for rate of fire in the berserk state. No effect if 0.

berserk projectile errorfloat

Multiplier for projectile error in the berserk state. No effect if 0.

super ballistic rangefloat
bombardment rangefloat

When non-zero, causes the burst target to be offset by a random distance in this range when the enemy is not visible.

modified vision rangefloat

Overrides the actor's vision range. Normal if 0.

special fire modeenum

If set, allows the actor to use their weapon in alternate ways.


No special fire will be used.


The actor will hold down the primary trigger for an overcharged shot. Jackals use this with the plasma pistol.

secondary trigger0x2

The actor will fire the weapon's secondary trigger.

special fire situationenum

Determines the situation in which the actor has a chance of using special fire.


The actor will never special fire their weapon.

enemy visible0x1

Special fire happens only when the target is visible.

enemy out of sight0x2

Special fire happens only when the target is behind cover.

special fire chancefloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

How likely the actor will use their weapon's special fire mode. Setting this to 0 is equivalent to using the never situation.

special fire delayfloat
  • Unit: seconds

How long the actor must wait between uses of special fire mode.

melee rangefloat
  • Unit: world units

Sets how close an enemy must get to trigger a melee charge by the actor.

melee abort rangefloat
  • Unit: world units

The actor will stop trying to melee the enemy goes outside this range.

berserk firing rangesBounds?
  • Unit: world units

When berserking and outside the maximum range, the actor will advance towards the target and stop at the minimum range.

berserk melee rangefloat
  • Unit: world units

Similar to melee range, but used when the actor is berserking.

berserk melee abort rangefloat
  • Unit: world units

Similar to melee abort range, but used when the actor is berserking.

grenade typeenum

Sets which type of grenade the actor throws, assuming grenade stimulus is not never.

human fragmentation0x0
covenant plasma0x1
trajectory typeenum
grenade stimulusenum

What causes the actor to consider throwing a grenade. It is still dependent upon grenade chance.


The actor never throws grenades.

visible target0x1
seek cover0x2
minimum enemy countuint16

How many enemies must be within the grenade's radius before the actor considers throwing there.

enemy radiusfloat
  • Unit: world units

Only enemies within this radius of the actor are considered when choosing where to throw a grenade.

grenade velocityfloat
  • Unit: world units per second

This is responsibile for giving the grenade it's thrown velocity, rather than the projectile initial velocity or the unit grenade velocity.

grenade rangesBounds?
  • Unit: world units

The minimum and maximum ranges that the actor will consider throwing a grenade.

collateral damage radiusfloat
  • Unit: world units

If there are friendlies within this radius of the target, grenades will not be thrown.

grenade chancefloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

How likely the actor is to throw a grenade when a grenade stimulus applies.

grenade check timefloat
  • Unit: seconds

How often to consider throwing a grenade while a continuous grenade stimulus, like visible target, applies.

encounter grenade timeoutfloat
  • Unit: seconds

The AI will not throw a grenade if another AI in the encounter threw one within this timeout. This prevents AI from all throwing grenades at the same time.

equipmentTagDependency: equipment

References equipment that the actor will drop on death. Note that their weapon will already be dropped and does not need to be repeated here.

grenade countBounds

Determines how many grenades the actor spawns with, with the type determined by the grenade type field. The actor will use up these grenades unless has unlimited grenades is true. On death, the grenades are dropped.

don't drop grenades chancefloat
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

The chance that the actor drops no grenades on death, even if they have some.

drop weapon loadedBounds?
  • Unit: fractions of a clip
  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1

A random range for how loaded the dropped weapon is, as a fraction of its magazine size or charge. Plasma weapons are dropped at 100% charge no matter this field's value under special circumstances: * If a model region was destroyed and that region's forces drop weapon flag is enabled, such as shooting the arm off a Flood actor. * If the actor has a chance of feigning death and reviving, but not if the damage exceeds the hard death threshold. ---

drop weapon ammoBounds?
  • Unit: rounds

The total number of reserve ammo rounds included with the dropped weapon. Ignored for energy weapons.

body vitalityfloat

Overrides the biped's collision geometry maximum body vitality for a different amount of health.

shield vitalityfloat

Overrides the biped's collision geometry maximum shield vitality for a different amount of shields.

shield sapping radiusfloat
  • Unit: world units
forced shader permutationuint16

If non-zero, forces the bitmap index for any shader the biped uses. For example, the Elite major uses the value 1 which forces its shaders to use the second (red) cubemap in characters\elite\bitmaps\cubemaps.bitmap. Bitmap tags which do not have a bitmap for this index will instead use the first map (index 0).

change colorsBlock
  • HEK max count: 4

Overrides the bipeds color change permutations.

color lower boundColorRGB
color upper boundColorRGB


Thanks to the following individuals for their research or contributions to this topic:

  • Jakey (Providing descriptions for all tag fields, further researching Rosy's discovery)
  • Kavawuvi (Invader tag definitions)
  • MosesOfEgypt (Tag structure research)
  • Rosy (Discovering actors drop 100% charge weapons on no-grenade deaths)